O PSV decidiu afastar o lateral Denzel Dumfries dos treinos coletivos até ao final da temporada, após o jogador ter participado numa manifestação anti-racismo que decorreu na Holanda.

Em causa, explica o emblema de Eindhoven, está apenas a saúde dos restantes jogadores do plantel, que não podia ser garantida após o holandês ter estado em contacto com milhares de pessoas.

Até 10 de junho, data em que o PSV encerra a época, Dumfries trabalhará de forma individual em casa. O clube esclarece que percebe a presença do jogador no protesto anti-racista, partilhada pelo próprio nas redes sociais.


Proud Black Man Here in front of you is a proud black man. Proud of his skin color. A man that fought his way up. That has won racial slurs against him and is still confronted with this on a daily basis, and will be above it. I am standing here for my fellow man who has to deal with the same issues daily. Those who share that deep-seated pain, those who comprehend that pain. For them, I am standing here! Racism is a global problem that drastically needs to be tackled. IT’S BEEN ENOUGH! Our lineage needs to grow up in a world full of equality and chances without the feeling of being discriminated in whatsoever form. I am proud of my skin color and of the people that came today that did not stay silent. Together we shall conquer racism!! #blacklivesmatter ❤️

Uma publicação partilhada por Denzel Justus Morris Dumfries (@ddumfries2) a